Anna, a young divorced mother in her thirties, hires a girl, Lise, to take care of her two children. When this little stranger enters her home into intimacy, Anna is immediately seduced, Lise is full of a vitality that comes to light her solitary days. But Anna will soon discover that Lise is not an ordinary girl. Mistreated by life, Lise is prey to dangerous passions. With the arrival of this young woman, it is a bit of the violence and corruption of the world that came knocking on her door. Anna, who thought she was strong enough to face Lise's demons, will soon be overtaken by her family in fragile and secret areas of her being .

Director: Olivier Panchot

Writer: Marie Desplechin, Gladys Marciano, Olivier Panchot

Actors: Clémence Poésy, Yaël Abecassis, Eric Ruf

Production: N/A

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