Still chasing women after the events of Porky's II: The Next Day (1983), Pee Wee and his hormone-addled friends of Angel Beach High find themselves having a lot on their plate. Years after the demolition of their lewd arch-nemesis' roadhouse in Porky's (1981), the band's sleazy old adversary now tries to force the basketball coach to fix the high-school basketball tournament, unbeknownst to him, however, that his oversexed daughter, Blossom, has a crush on one of the boys. Once more, Wendy and the team are on a collision course with Porky, and this time, he means business. Can the guys save the championship, be the school's heroes, and above all, rescue a young lover from a shotgun wedding?

Director: James Komack

Writer: Bob Clark, Ziggy Steinberg

Actors: Dan Monahan, Wyatt Knight, Tony Ganios

Production: N/A

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